January 15, 2025
EventNMS Match System Open for Rankings
The NMS Match System is now open for applicants and programs to submit Rank Order Lists for the Match. The Rank Order List deadline is 11:59 p.m. Eastern Time on February 18, 2025. Rank Order Lists must be entered and certified in the NMS Match System by the deadline to be used in the Match.
We strongly recommend that applicants and programs enter and certify Rank Order Lists well before the deadline date to avoid potential problems near the deadline.
Applicants and programs can easily import their applications or scheduled interviews into their Rank Order Lists. Instructions for importing rankings are available on the Rankings User Guide for Applicants and Rankings User Guide for Programs.
January 15, 2025
Best PracticesRanking Strategy and Best Practices
We want to remind you of several best practices that you should use when submitting a Rank Order List for the Match:
Rank All Acceptable Choices
Participants may rank as many choices as they wish. Submitting a longer Rank Order List will not jeopardize your chances of matching with your most preferred choice but may increase the likelihood of getting a match.
Rank Your Choices According To Your True Preference
Don't consider how highly an applicant or program might rank you when ordering the choices on your Rank Order List. Using any strategy other than ranking according to your true preference may lead to a worse result for you.
Do Not Rank Any Choice That Is Unacceptable
Applicants can only be matched with programs that are on their Rank Order List. Programs can only be matched with applicants that are on their Rank Order List. Do not rank any applicant or program that you would not want to match with under any circumstances.
December 26, 2024
EventThe CRIP Interview Scheduling Deadline is 11:59 p.m. Eastern Time on Thursday, January 2, 2025.
Programs and applicants attending CRIP must schedule their interviews using the NMS Match System by 11:59 p.m. Eastern Time on Thursday, January 2, 2025.
Changes made to CRIP interview events or bookings after this date will not be reflected in the on-site CRIP Event schedule. Interview itineraries for programs and applicants are available in the NMS Match System and are updated in real-time.
December 2, 2024
EventInterview Scheduling Now Open
Programs participating in CASPR can send interview invitations to {param.appJargonas}} starting December 2, 2024. Applicants may receive invitations from multiple programs, and each program may invite {param.appJargonas}} to more than one type of interview.gra
Programs can use the NMS Match System to set up interview event timeslots and send interview invitations to {param.appJargonas}}. Applicants begin receiving interview invitations and can book themselves into available interview times. Interview itineraries for {param.appJargonas}} and programs are updated in real-time.
All CRIP interviews must be scheduled by the CRIP Interview Scheduling Lockout Date on January 2, 2025, 11:59 p.m. Eastern Time. It is recommended that programs send their interview invitations at least one week before this date. Programs are permitted but are not obligated, to extend the lockout date for their interview events past this date. Changes made to CRIP interview events after this date will not be reflected in the on-site CRIP Event schedule.
Programs that are not participating in CRIP may not interview applicants before January 15, 2025.
Programs that do not use the NMS Match System to schedule interviews will send interview invitations to {param.appJargonas}} directly. Applicants will need to schedule interviews with these programs outside the NMS Match System.
November 4, 2024
EventTips for Scheduling Interviews
Starting October 31, 2024, programs can begin setting up their interview schedule in the NMS Match System and sending interview invitations to applicants.
1. Programs attending CRIP have their timezone set to Central Time (CT) by default
Programs must select a time zone on the Interview Settings page before adding interview events in the NMS Match System. Programs must choose the time zone where interviews will be conducted.
For programs interviewing at CRIP, the timezone should be set to Central Time (CT). Programs not attending CRIP or conducting interviews virtually must select the timezone where they will conduct the interview.
2. Create separate events for each individual interview timeslot
Programs must create a separate event for each timeslot in which they will interview an applicant. For example, if your program is attending CRIP and will conduct ten 20-minute interviews between 10am and 2pm CT, you must create 10 separate events (e.g., 10:00a-10:20a, 10:20a-10:40a, etc.) on each day you will be interviewing. Applicants schedule themselves into available timeslots, and cannot book into multiple events that overlap in time.
Programs can set a lockout date for each event. The lockout date is the date after which applicants can make no bookings, changes, or cancellations to the event. The default lockout date for programs attending CRIP is January 2, 2025. Applicants who want to make changes to an interview event on or after the lockout date will need to contact the program directly.
Programs that need to change or cancel an event after they have sent out invitations must notify applicants about the change. If you add new events, be sure to send new invitations to the applicants so they can schedule themselves into the newly available events/timeslots.
Please contact CASPR support if you have any questions.
October 31, 2024
EventApplications Now Available to Programs
Programs can now log in to the NMS Match System to access their applications.
The NMS Match System has a number of tools to help programs organize and manage their applications, including assigning tags to help categorize applications, creating customized scoring schemes, adding notes and comments, and setting a review status to indicate whether an applicant will be interviewed, ranked, or rejected.
Programs interested in receiving more applications are permitted to extend their individual application deadline date. Programs are encouraged, but not required, to consider College Materials and reference letters uploaded after their application deadline date.
October 23, 2024
EventDefault Application Deadline is October 30
The default application deadline for programs participating in CASPR is October 30, 2024. Programs are permitted, but are not obligated, to extend their individual application deadline past this date. Starting on October 31, programs can log in to the NMS Match System to access submitted applications.
Applicants should not wait until October 30 to submit their applications. Submitting applications early ensures there is time to address any unexpected issues that may arise.
Applications can be submitted before letters of reference or college material are received. Submitted applications will be updated automatically as soon as that information is received.
Applicants must submit any required Supplemental Fees & Materials directly to programs and should consult the CASPR Directory to determine if additional items are required for the programs they have applied to. Contact the program directly for any questions on the deadline to submit those items.
September 24, 2024
EventInitial Upload of Board Scores
AACPM has uploaded passing APMLE Part I results into the NMS Match System. Applicants with Part I results can now start submitting applications to programs.
AACPM will obtain more Part I scores directly from APMLE in October. Applicants will be notified by email when a passing result has been uploaded to the NMS Match System.
July 24, 2024
EventCASPR Registration and Applications Now Open for Applicants
CASPR is now open for applicants to register and begin preparing applications for programs. To obtain a podiatric residency position beginning in 2025, applicants must participate in CASPR. Match registration information and instructions are available on the Applicant Registration page of the CASPR Match website.
COPM Representatives will be sent new NMS Match System login credentials for the 2025 CASPR. COPM Representatives will monitor their students' participation and upload material to complete their students' applications.
July 2, 2024
EventNMS CASPR website Open for Program Account Set Up
The NMS Match System is now open for programs to set up their accounts for the 2025 CASPR. Programs need an NMS Match System account to obtain applications, schedule interviews, submit rankings, and obtain results.
To set up an account, programs must first register on the AACPM website. AACPM will send lists of newly registered programs to NMS periodically. When NMS receives a list of newly registered programs, it will send an email to each Program Director with a personalized link and instructions to set up their account in the NMS Match System.
Account information in the NMS Match System is not carried over from the previous year. Program Directors must use the link in the email sent to them by NMS to set up their new account for the 2025 CASPR. NMS Match System accounts for programs staff can be created by the Program Director after the setup process is completed.
July 2, 2024
FeatureNew Features in the NMS Match System
We have added several new features and updates to the NMS Match System for the 2025 CASPR. These enhancements will benefit programs, applicants, and colleges. See all of the NMS Match System updates in the NMS Match System Enhancement document.