Withdraw From CASPR

2025 CASPR

Things to Know

If you will not be submitting any rankings of programs, you must withdraw yourself from CASPR by the Rank Order List deadline.

Applicants who withdraw will not be included in the matching process and will not be matched to a position. However, withdrawn applicants are permitted to seek positions in MPII or in the Post-Match Process as described below.

If you withdraw from CASPR, but subsequently decide that you want to submit a Rank Order List for the Match or MPII, you can Reinstate yourself in CASPR using the NMS Match System before the Rank Order List deadline.

Implications of Withdrawing

If you withdraw, you will not be matched to a position. Any rankings of programs you may have submitted will not be used in the matching process. You will also not receive further communications about participating in CASPR from the NMS Match System.

If you withdraw from the Match, your withdrawn status will carry over to start MPII. If you decide to remain withdrawn and not participate in MPII, there is nothing further you need to do; you do not need to return to the NMS Match System to withdraw a second time. However, you will still have the option of reinstating yourself for MPII if you are eligible and decide to participate in MPII

While you are withdrawn, your withdrawn status will be visible to programs. In particular, if you withdraw before the Match deadline, you will appear as withdrawn in MPII until you reinstate yourself.

Withdrawing from CASPR does not affect your ability to participate in the Post-Match Process or in CASPR in future years.

If you submit a Rank Order List and do not withdraw by the Rank Order List deadline, your rankings will be included in the matching process. If you are matched with a program, you must accept the position with which you are matched as described in the Applicant Agreement and the CASPR Rules.

How to Withdraw

You must withdraw yourself online prior to the Rank Order List deadline:

  • Log in to the NMS Match System when it is available
  • Select Edit from the Status section of the Dashboard
  • Select a reason for your withdrawal and follow the on-screen prompts to complete the process.

How to Reinstate

If you withdraw but subsequently decide to submit rankings of programs, you can reinstate yourself through the NMS Match System prior to the Rank Order List deadline.

To reinstate yourself in CASPR:

  • Log in to the NMS Match System when it is available
  • Select Edit from the Status section of the Dashboard
  • Follow the instructions provided on the screen to complete the reinstatement process.
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