What Are Reversions
Reversions allow a track to move one or more positions that remain unfilled within the matching process from one Rank Order List (the "Donor") to a second Rank Order List (the "Receiver"), so that an attempt can be made to fill the available position(s) with applicant(s) on the second list.
For example, a program offering both a PMSR/RRA track and PMSR track could specify that any position that remains unfilled on the Rank Order List for the PMSR/RRA track should revert to the Rank Order List for the PMSR track, and an attempt should be made to fill the position(s) with additional applicants from the Rank Order List for the PMSR track. In this case, the Rank Order List for the PMSR/RRA track is the Donor list (because it is donating unfilled positions) and the Rank Order List for the PMSR track is the Receiver list (because it is receiving unfilled positions from the Donor list).
Similarly, reverting unfilled positions from one list to another can be used by a track that is submitting multiple Rank Order Lists for a single track, in an attempt to fill all available positions in the track.
Reversions User Guide
Consult the Reversions User Guide for instructions for submitting reversions using the NMS Match System.