Results For Applicants

The 2025 APPIC Match

Results For Applicants

The 2025 APPIC Internship Matching Program

Release Dates

Phase I

Match result information for Phase I of the Match will be posted at 9:00 a.m. Eastern Time on February 21, 2025.

Phase II

Match result information for Phase II of the Match will be posted at 9:00 a.m. Eastern Time on March 26, 2025.


When the results are released, the following result information will be available:

  • All applicants will have access to information on whether or not they have been matched to a position.
  • Matched applicants will be told the specific internship program to which they matched.
  • Training Sites will be informed of the Match result obtained by each applicant ranked by the site.
  • Doctoral Programs will have access to the results obtained by each of their students.
  • Summary statistics of the results of the Match will be posted publicly on APPIC's website.


Email: Match result information will be sent by email in the morning of the Match Results Release Date for each Phase of the Match with the intention of having all emails sent by 9:00 a.m. Eastern Time. Result emails will be sent to applicants that participated in that Phase of the Match (i.e., applicants who certified a Rank Order List and did not withdraw from that Phase of the Match). Due to unreliable email exchanges and inbound servers, we cannot guarantee a delivery time for the emails.

Web: Match result information will be available in the NMS Match System beginning at 9:00 a.m. Eastern Time on APPIC Match Day for each Phase of the Match.

The same Match result information will be provided by email and online for each Phase of the Match. Any applicant who does not receive their result by email should access their result online.

Information on Positions Available After Each
Phase of the Match

Phase I

Beginning at 9:00 a.m. Eastern Time on February 21, 2025 a list of internship programs participating in Phase II of the Match will be posted on this website.

The list will include all programs that had unfilled positions from Phase I of the Match, as well as any programs that are added to the Match after Phase I. Programs that had unfilled positions in Phase I but are no longer being offered in Phase II will be shown as crossed-out. The list will be updated nightly to include all internships offering positions in Phase II of the Match.

Phase II

Starting on March 27, 2025 at 9:00 a.m. Eastern Time, APPIC will operate a Post-Match Vacancy Service that will provide information on available positions.

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