

NMS Interview

  • What is NMS Interview?

    NMS Interview is a module in the NMS Match System that allows programs to setup their interview schedule online, send invitations to candidates, and allows candidates to instantly self-schedule themselves into available timeslots.

    Related Links:
  • Can I tell an applicant that our program will rank them?

    Programs and applicants may freely discuss any matter and may express a high level of interest in each other. Communication guidelines are as follows:

    • A program may voluntarily inform an applicant as to whether or not it intends to rank the applicant.
    • An applicant may voluntarily inform a program as to whether or not the applicant intends to rank the program.
    • Neither party (program or applicant) may solicit the intentions for ranking from the other party.
    • Neither party may disclose to the other party or solicit from the other party any information regarding the positioning of any applicant or program on a Rank Order List.

    Any expression of interest or intention to rank made during the free discussion between a program and an applicant is subject to change based on further considerations by either party. Both programs and applicants have the right to change their Rank Order Lists at any time prior to the Rank Order List deadline.

    Programs may not make any offers of appointment to, or require any commitments from, any applicant prior to the release of the MedPhys Match results. Programs may rank on their Rank Order Lists only those applicants registered in the MedPhys Match.

    Related Links:
  • Can we see what candidates see on their end?New

    A sample of the invitation email sent to candidates is available here. You can watch the video below and consult the Applicant User Guide to see what it is like to book and manage interviews from the candidate's perspective.

Scheduling Setup - Interview Types

  • If the expectation is that an applicant needs to sign up for 3 different meetings (faculty interview, director interview, and meeting with current resident), does it make sense to have them sign up for an interview day
    or for them to sign up for each meeting separately?

    The choice is up to you. Most residencies have candidates book interview days and then the residency manually assigned candidates to their meetings outside of the system. However, some residencies may find it more efficient to have candidates book themselves directly into the individual meetings.

    To create an interview day:

    • Create 1 interview type (Interview Day)
    • Add the available events (e.g., 10 candidates from 9am-5pm)
    • Send invitations to your candidates
    • Once booked, create each candidate's itinerary manually, and notify each candidate of their itinerary

    If your program offers an Interview Day, but wants to limit the number of candidates from a certain group that can schedule that day (e.g., your Interview Day can accommodate 8 total candidates, but cannot accommodate more than 4 Location A candidates and 4 Location B candidates on any one day), you should create two Interview Types (Location A Interview Day and Location B Interview Day) and create events for each type with 4 available slots. That way, for each Interview Day, no more than 4 Location A Candidates and 4 Location B Candidates will be able to book themselves into that day.

    To create individual meetings:

    • Create 3 interview types (Faculty, Director, current resident)
    • Add the available events for each type of interview (e.g., 1 candidate from 9am-10am)
    • Send invitations to your candidates for all interview types

    Please note that in this example, if you create individual meeting events, you would not necessarily be able to enforce a sequence of these meetings or ensure they happen on the same day. For example, if the available dates for the three interview types overlap, one candidate may schedule Faculty → Director → Resident while another candidate may schedule Director → Resident → Faculty.

  • I have panel interviews and individual interviews. Would those be set up as different event types?

    If each interview type can be scheduled independently, you should set these up as different event types. You can create one interview type for individual interviews and one for panel interviews, and then invite your candidates to both types of interviews. The candidates would schedule themselves into one individual interview and one panel interview. Within the system, the only difference between an "Individual Interview" event, and a "Panel Interview" event is the name. The training site would still need to decide which faculty are attending each event.

Managing Events

  • Can I book candidates into interviews directly, without giving them a choice of dates?

    Yes. If you don't want to allow applicants to schedule themselves, but still want to use NMS Interview so your candidates can see your events in their schedule, and both you and the applicants can gain the benefit of importing rankings from scheduled interviews, use the following procedures:

    1. Create an interview type (e.g., Interview). If your program has multiple tracks, you might create a separate type for each track.
    2. Create your interview events.
    3. Add your candidates.
    4. On your Calendar or Event List, select View for an event.
    5. Use the Force Schedule feature to assign a candidate to the interview.
    6. Repeat for all events in your schedule.

    When a candidate logs in to the NMS Match System, they will see the scheduled interview on their calendar.

  • Can I add a different PDF for each interviewee or is it only the same PDF for everyone interviewing in that slot?

    You can create and upload a PDF of instructions that you would like to provide to candidates for each event. The PDFs are attached to individual events and are available to all candidates scheduled for that event. If only one applicant is scheduled for the event, the PDF is available only to that applicant. If 5 applicants are scheduled for the event, the PDF is available to all 5 applicants.

    If you have an event with multiple scheduled candidates and you want to provide each candidate with their own unique information for the event, you should email the information to each candidate directly.

Sending Invitations

  • Can we customize the invitation or rejection emails?

    No, you cannot customize the invitation or rejection emails in the NMS Match System. Those emails are simple notification messages. Samples of those emails are available in the NMS Interview User Guide.

    If you'd like to send your applicants more detailed or personal communications, in addition to the interview invitation sent from the system, you can use the Email function on your Candidate List in the system to select and populate candidates' email addresses directly into your email client, then send the communications using your email client.

Managing Candidates

How To Videos

NMS Interview is a module of the NMS Match System that allows residencies to streamline and automate interview scheduling. The following videos provide an overview of how NMS Interview works:

Configure Settings   (2 min)
Add Candidates   (2 min)
Add Interview Events   (2 min)
Send Interview Invitations   (1 min)
Manage Events   (3 min)
Manage Candidates   (3 min)
Candidate Experience   (4 min)

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