
The 2025 MedPhys Match


In order to submit your Rank Order List(s) by the deadline, all your applicant interviews must be completed before that deadline date.

Prior to the Rank Order List deadline, you must provide complete and accurate information concerning the position(s) being offered in the MedPhys Match to all applicants who you will interview or rank, including all institution and residency program policies related to eligibility requirements for appointment, compensation for residents, and accreditation status. This is extremely important to avoid potential misunderstandings and to ensure that applicants have full information when creating their Rank Order Lists.

You are reminded that, according to the Residency Agreement, you may not require a commitment from applicants or make an offers of appointment to any applicant prior to the release of the MedPhys Match results. You must also conduct your recruitment and interviews in compliance with relevant institutional and statutory guidelines, which may include non-discriminatory practices.

A program may voluntarily inform an applicant that it intends to rank the applicant. Similarly, an applicant may voluntarily inform a program that they intend to rank the program. However, neither the program nor applicant may ask or prompt the other side for this information. Furthermore, while you may freely discuss any matter with an applicant, neither programs nor the applicants may solicit or disclose information about the positioning of any applicant or program on a Rank Order List.

Communication Guidelines

Programs and applicants may freely discuss any matter and may express a high level of interest in each other. Communication guidelines are as follows:

  • A program may voluntarily inform an applicant as to whether or not it intends to rank the applicant.
  • An applicant may voluntarily inform a program as to whether or not the applicant intends to rank the program.
  • Neither party (program or applicant) may solicit the intentions for ranking from the other party.
  • Neither party may disclose to the other party or solicit from the other party any information regarding the positioning of any applicant or program on a Rank Order List.

Any expression of interest or intention to rank made during the free discussion between a program and an applicant is subject to change based on further considerations by either party. Both programs and applicants have the right to change their Rank Order Lists at any time prior to the Rank Order List deadline.

NMS InterviewAdd-on Service

NMS Interview is a module of the NMS Match System that allows residencies to streamline and automate interview scheduling.

Residencies add their interview dates, import a list of their candidates, and send invitations online. The interview candidates self-schedule themselves into available timeslots. Both residencies and candidates see their interview dates confirmed in real-time and get access to printable interview itineraries.

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