Register for the MedPhys Match

The 2025 MedPhys Match

Before You Register


The applicant registration fee is $100 USD.

The fee is non-refundable (even if you subsequently decide not to participate in the MedPhys Match) and is not transferable to future MedPhys Matches or other applicants.


It is recommended that you register for the MedPhys Match by December 1, 2024.

Registrations can be accepted after December 1. However, you must be registered for the MedPhys Match before you can send applications to participating programs through MP-RAP. Furthermore, you should be registered before the entry of Rank Order Lists begins on March 3, 2025 so that programs can rank you when they submit their Rank Order Lists. No applicant registrations are allowed after March 21, 2025.

Register Online

Register for the MedPhys Match Now

After You Register

Confirmation and Match Code Number

When your registration is complete, you will receive a confirmation by email that includes the 5-digit applicant Match Code Number that uniquely identifies you in the MedPhys Match. Use your Code Number in all future correspondence pertaining to the MedPhys Match.

You should also provide your Code Number to the programs where you apply, and enter your Code Number into your MP-RAP application if you choose to use that service, to enable you to send applications to participating programs through MP-RAP.

Updating Your Account and Profile Information

Once you are registered, you can log into the NMS Match System to update your account and profile information. This includes modifying your email, password, security questions, personal and education information, couple status, as well as withdrawing from participating in the MedPhys Match.

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