
The 2024 MedPhys Match


Applications are collected and evaluated by programs independently of the MedPhys Match.

Participating in the MedPhys Match does not change your application procedures. Residencies are free to accept applications and evaluate applicants in any manner you like. Many programs obtain applications using the Medical Physics Residency Application Program (MP-RAP) provided by AAPM. MP-RAP is a separate but complementary service to the MedPhys Match.

Only residencies that are registered to participate in the MedPhys Match can receive applications through MP-RAP from applicants that are participating in the MedPhys Match. If your residency wants to participate in both MP-RAP and the MedPhys Match, you must register separately with each service. To avoid confusion for applicants, programs that participate in both MP-RAP and the MedPhys Match should ensure that information, such as residency and program names, are consistent in both systems.

You can only be matched to applicants who register for and participate in the MedPhys Match.

List of Registered Applicants

Residencies participating in the MedPhys Match can log into the NMS Match System to access a List of Registered Applicants. The list shows the name and the Match Code Number assigned to each applicant who is registered to participate in the MedPhys Match.

Log Into the NMS Match System

Only applicants who are registered for the MedPhys Match can be included on your Rank Order List. Check that all applicants you intend to rank are included in the List of Registered Applicants. If you wish to rank an applicant who does not appear on the List, contact the applicant and encourage them to register for the MedPhys Match as soon as possible.

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