Release Date
Match result information for ORMatch will be posted at 12:00 p.m. noon Eastern Time on March 4, 2025.
When the results of ORMatch are released, the following result information will be available:
- All applicants will have access to information on whether or not they have been matched to a position. Matched applicants will be told the specific program to which they matched. Unmatched applicants will have access to a list of programs with positions available in the Post-Match Process.
- Program Coordinators will be told which applicant(s) matched to their program(s).
- Directors of Residencies at ACOE accredited schools and colleges of optometry will have access to the results obtained by applicants from their school, results for programs that are affiliated with their school, and information on all programs that have positions available in the Post-Match Process.
- Residency Sites and Directors of Residencies will have access to a list of matched applicants, and information on each applicant who submitted an application or certified a Rank Order List but did not obtain a position or who withdrew but indicated they are still seeking a position.
- Summary statistics of the results of ORMatch for applicants and residency sites will be posted publicly on this website.
The list of programs with positions available in the Post-Match Process will be posted publicly on this website on March 11, 2025.
In June, ORMatch will send to programs updated NBEO Score Report Data for all of their matched applicants.
Email: Match result notification emails will be sent in the morning of March 4, 2025 with the intention of having all emails sent by 12:00 p.m. noon Eastern Time. Results will be sent by email to applicants that participated in the Match (i.e., certified a Rank Order List and did not withdraw). Due to unreliable email exchanges and inbound servers, we cannot guarantee a delivery time for the emails.
Web: Match result information will be available in the NMS Match System beginning at 12:00 p.m. noon Eastern Time on March 4, 2025.
The same Match result information will be provided by email and online. Any applicant who does not receive their result by email should access their result online.
Post-Match Process
Following release of the Match results, applicants who are not matched are permitted to seek positions that remain available independently of ORMatch.
In order to give all Post-Match participants time to consider their options, applicants and programs must abide by the following schedule:
March 4, 2025, 12:00 p.m. noon Eastern Time: Post-Match Opens
- A List of Programs with Available Positions is provided to unmatched applicants. Information on this list may be updated by Program Coordinators.
- Information on applicants who submitted an application or certified a Rank Order List but we not matched, or who withdrew but indicated they are still seeking a position, is provided to residency sites and Directors of Residencies in the NMS Match System.
- Prior to the Rank Order List deadline, applicants can provide consent for NMS to release certain personal information to programs in the Post-Match Process to help them identify applicants that would be a good fit to fill their available positions.
- Programs can obtain applications from applicants in any manner they desire, including directly from applicants. Applicants who registered for ORMatch but did not obtain a position will be given 10 free credits and can send applications to programs in the Post-Match Process using the NMS Match System. Individuals who did not register for ORMatch prior to the Rank Order List deadline but are seeking positions during the Post-Match Process must send applications to programs directly. If you have questions about a program's application procedures during the Post-Match Process, contact the program directly.
- Programs and applicants are free to contact each other, share information, and conduct interviews. However, no offers of appointment may be made or accepted prior to March 6, 2025 at 12:00 p.m. noon Eastern Time.
March 6, 2025, 12:00 p.m. noon Eastern Time: Post-Match Offers Open
- Programs may offer Post-Match positions to applicants and applicants may accept the positions.
- Applicants who receive an offer for a Post-Match position may hold the offer for up to 24 hours, after which the program can rescind the offer.
March 11, 2025: Post-Match List Publicly Available
- The list of Programs with Available Positions will be posted publicly on the ORMatch website.
If an applicant accepts a position during the Post-Match Process, ORMatch can include their NBEO scores in a report sent to programs in June, provided that the Program Coordinator requests this information from ORMatch and the applicant confirms their acceptance of the position to ORMatch.
Match Statistics
Aggregate statistics on the participation and outcome of the Match will be posted online at 12:00 p.m. noon Eastern Time on March 4, 2025.
Optometry Resident Directory
Applicants who obtain a position in the Match or Post-Match Process will have their information added to the Optometry Resident Directory. The Optometry Resident Directory is an online service sponsored by ASCO that helps residents and outside entities network with one another for career opportunities. The Directory allows residents to stay connected to the optometric community while providing prospective employers with an easy way to identify residents who might be a good fit for their practices.
NMS will send emails to residents in June when they are added to the Directory. At that time, residents may log into the Directory to update or delete their information, if desired.