Register for the Match

2025 Chiro Match

You must be registered for the Chiro Match in order to send applications to programs, submit your Rank Order List, and be ranked by programs.

Before You Register


The Association of Chiropractic Colleges (ACC) is subsidizing a substantial portion of the cost of the Chiro Match in its inaugural year. Applicants must pay $50 USD to register for the Chiro Match.

The fee pays for your Chiro Match registration and for the first twelve (12) applications you send to programs using the Application Service. An additional fee of $20 USD will apply for each application submitted in excess of twelve.

Fees are non-refundable (even if you subsequently decide to withdraw from the Chiro Match) and are not transferable to future Matches or other applicants.


You must be registered for the Chiro Match in order to send applications to programs using the Application Service. You should register and submit your applications to programs by January 24, 2025, which is the default application deadline date for all programs. Programs may choose to extend their application deadline to a later date, but are not obliged to do so.

The final deadline to register to participate is February 19, 2025. However, programs consider applications and conduct interviews much earlier than that date. Therefore, you should register well before the final date listed above.

Register Online

Register for the Chiro Match Now

After You Register

Confirmation and Match Code Number

When your registration is completed, you will receive a confirmation by email that includes the 5-digit Match Code Number assigned to you for the Chiro Match. Use your Match Code Number in all future correspondence pertaining to the Chiro Match.

Updating Your Information

Once registered for the Chiro Match, you can log into the NMS Match System to update your account and profile information. You can also start preparing and submitting applications to programs.