Rules & Policies of the APPCN Match

The 2025 APPCN Match

Match Agreements

Each participating applicant and residency site must accept the terms of the APPCN Match Agreements when they register to participate in the APPCN Match.

Applicant Agreement Residency Site Agreement

All residency sites and applicants that register to participate in the Match must abide by the Rules of Participation, APPCN Match Policies, and Schedule of Dates of the APPCN Match.

Eligibility Requirements

  • Applicants

    Any applicant seeking an appointment beginning after June 1, 2025 to a postdoctoral clinical neuropsychology residency program that participates in the APPCN Match must register to participate in the APPCN Match.

  • Programs

    Only residency sites that are members of APPCN may participate in the Match. All residency sites are required to participate in the Match if they have positions available that begin training in 2025. To qualify for membership in APPCN, a residency site must submit a self-study that has been reviewed for compliance with the specific training guidelines and standards set by APPCN. Information on membership requirements can be obtained from the APPCN website.

    The List of Participating Programs will indicate all APPCN member residency sites participating in the 2025 APPCN Match. A list of residency sites that are members of APPCN can also be found on the APPCN website.

Rules of Participation

All residency sites and applicants that register to participate in the APPCN Resident Matching Program (the "Match") must abide by the APPCN Match Policies, the Schedule of Dates of the APPCN Match, and the terms of the Agreements they accepted when they registered for the Match.

Participating programs must offer all their postdoctoral clinical neuropsychology residency positions that begin training in 2025 through the Match. Programs that are primarily focused on research training but whose training activities are at least 25% clinical may also participate in the Match; any such program that participates in the Match must offer all its eligible positions through the APPCN Match.

Programs may not make any offers of appointment to, or require any commitment from, any applicant prior to the release of the APPCN Match results. Programs may rank on their Rank Order Lists only those applicants registered in the Match.

Similarly, applicants may not make any commitment to any program prior to the release of the APPCN Match results. Applicants may rank on their Rank Order Lists only those programs registered in the Match.

An applicant who receives an offer in advance of the Rank Order List deadline ("preemptive offer") from a program that is not registered in the Match may hold that offer and participate in the Match by submitting a Rank Order List of programs that includes only programs that the applicant prefers to the preemptive offer. If the applicant is matched to a program, the applicant must decline the preemptive offer and accept the results of the APPCN Match. If the applicant is left unmatched, the applicant can accept the preemptive offer after 12:00 p.m. noon Eastern Time on APPCN Match Day.

Programs must not request that an applicant state how the applicant intends to rank any program and applicants must not communicate their ranking intentions to programs. The communication of a program's ranking intentions to an applicant is not permitted, except under very specific circumstances as provided for in the APPCN Match Policies. In particular, an applicant who receives a preemptive offer from a program that is not registered in the Match may inform a participating program about that offer; if the participating program intends to rank the applicant in a manner that will guarantee a match, the program may so inform the applicant (please refer to the APPCN Match Policies for complete details).

The Rank Order Lists submitted to the APPCN Match by each program and applicant are the sole determinants of their respective order of preferences for the Match.

The Match results constitute a binding commitment from which neither the applicant nor the program can withdraw without mutual written consent. A program must offer an appointment to each applicant with whom it is matched, and the applicant must accept the offer and attend the program, unless both parties agree in writing to release each other from the Match result. A program may not offer a position to any applicant who has matched to another residency site and has not been released from the Match by that residency site.

Violations of the policies of the APPCN Match will be reported to the APPCN Board of Directors. The APPCN Board may decide to impose penalties on those who violate the policies.

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