Application Service User Guide

2025 Breast Match


The Application Service is closed for the 2025 Breast Match.

When you log in to the NMS Match System you are presented with a Dashboard. The Applications section of the Dashboard shows the number of applications currently pending and submitted.

Dashboard - Application Section

Select the Edit button to get to the Application Overview page, where you provide your application content and submit your applications.

Application Overview

The Application Overview provides a summary of the sections that must be completed in order to submit an application. As you fulfil the minimum requirements in each section, the section status changes from Incomplete to Complete. The requirements for each section are described separately below.

Application Overview page

Applicant Information

The Applicant Information section has seven subsections. You must provide information for all required fields in each subsection in order to submit an application. Required fields are marked by an asterisk (*).

Fill out your application by selecting the Edit button for appropriate field, enter your information, then press the Save button.

Your application does not need to be filled out all at once. Once you save information for a field, it is saved into your account. You can log out, return to the NMS Match System at a later time, and your saved information will be shown.

  • Personal Information

    Most of your personal information is pre-populated based on the information you submitted when you registered for the Match. You may change the pre-populated information if necessary.

    Other information that is part of this section includes:

    • US Citizenship and Visa Information (required)
    • Interest and Hobbies
    • Honors and Awards
  • Academic History

    You must provide details of at least one (1) undergraduate, one (1) medical school, and one (1) residency education experience in the academic history section. You may also add information on any graduate or fellowship experiences you have. The information required includes:

    • Type (Undergraduate, Graduate, Medical School, Residency/Fellowship)
    • Institution Name
    • Degree Received
    • Whether the training was completed or not
    • Location/Address of the Institution
    • Program Director Information (for Residency/Fellowship experiences only)
    • Start and End Date
  • Post-Graduate Employment History

    If you have any Post-Graduate employment experiences, you should include them in the Post-Graduate Employment History section. This section is optional.

    Residency/Fellowship experiences should be included in the Academic History section, not in Post-Graduate Employment History.

    The information required for each Post-Graduate employment experience includes:

    • Institution/Employer Name
    • Job Title
    • Location of Employment
    • Start and End Date
  • Exam Scores

    You must provide the following information if it is applicable:

    • ECFMG Number (for International Applicants)
    • USMLE or COMLEX Scores
    • ABSITE or ACOS In-Service Exam Scores
    • MCCQE Part I pass/fail result (for Canadian Applicants)
  • Professional Liability

    The Professional Liability section asks a number of questions related to claims, suits, and issues that have arisen in your professional practice. You must answer each question in this section in order to submit an application.

    Select the Edit button and make the appropriate selection for each question. If you respond affirmatively to any of these questions, you will need to provide details of the occurrence and resolution for consideration.

  • Board and License Information

    You must provide your US Board status and license information if available. The requested information includes:

    • US Board Eligibility Status
      • If you are Board Certified, select Board Certified. If you are not Board Certified, but are currently eligible or will be eligible at the start of fellowship, select Board Eligible. If you will not be Board Eligible, select Not Certified Nor Eligible.
    • US Board Specialty
    • Date of Board Certification
    • US License Number
    • US License State
    • US License Date of Expiration
  • Certification

    You must accept and agree to the statements on this page in order to submit an application. Click on each checkbox, enter your password, and then press Save

Document Uploads

Upload your documents with meaningful names so that you can include the correct document with each application. Do not password protect your files. Maximum file size is 3MB.

  • Personal Statement

    A Personal Statement must be included with each application you submit. You must upload a Personal Statement to the NMS Match System as a PDF document.

    If you want to customize your Personal Statement for each program, you can prepare and upload multiple documents to the NMS Match System. Be sure to give each document a unique and descriptive name so that you know which document to include with each application when you assemble your application.

  • CV

    A CV must be included with each application you submit. You must upload the CV to the NMS Match System as a PDF document.

    If you want to customize your CV for each program, you can prepare and upload multiple CVs to the NMS Match System. Be sure to give each document a unique and descriptive name so that you know which document to include with each application when you assemble your application.

  • Other Document Uploads

    If applicable, you should upload the following additional documents to be included with your applications:

    • Headshot Photo: Upload a headshot photo as a jpg or png file. The system will automatically crop your photo to center on your face. You may only have one photo uploaded to your account.
    • ECFMG Certificate: If you are an international medical graduate (IMG) who has an Educational Commission for Foreign Medical Graduates (ECFMG) certificate, please upload a copy of it as single PDF document.
    • USMLE or COMLEX Scores: If you have taken the USMLE or COMLEX exams, upload a copy of your scores as a single PDF document. If you have taken both examinations, pick only one set of scores to upload to the system. If necessary, combine separate PDF score reports into a single PDF document with all of your scores for that exam.
    • ABSITE or ACOS Scores: If you have taken the ABSITE or ACOS General Surgery In-service examinations, upload a copy of your scores as a single PDF document. If you have taken both examinations, pick only one set of scores to upload to the system. If necessary, combine separate PDF score reports into a single PDF document with all of your scores for that exam.
    • MCCQE Part I (SOR): Canadian applicants who have taken the Medical Council of Canada Qualifying Examination (MCCQE) Part I should upload a copy of the Statement of Results (SOR) if it is available.
    • Liability Claims/Discipline Information: Upload a single PDF document with a list and status of any and all professional liability claims or disciplinary events.
  • Supplemental Material

    Some programs may require that you include additional information in your application.

    You must include all Supplemental Material required by a program in a single PDF document for that program, as only one Supplemental Material document can be included in your application to each program. This document can be changed if needed after the submission of your application; however, no changes may be made after the system closes for applications.

    If different programs require different Supplemental Material, you can prepare and upload a different Supplemental Material document for each program. Be sure to give each document a unique and descriptive name so that you know which document to include with each application when you assemble your application.

Reference Letters

Each application must include between one and five letters of reference.

Some reference writers may want to provide a customized reference letter for each program where you apply. In this case, you need to submit multiple reference letter requests using the NMS Match System to the same reference writer, one for each unique letter to be prepared by the reference writer.

Contact your reference writers before sending them reference requests through the NMS Match System, to clarify whether they want to upload a customized letter for each program or upload a generic letter that can be used for multiple programs.

Reference letter requests are made using the NMS Match System. You must provide the reference writer's name, specialty, and email address. You also need to add a Label and a Personal note to the request, to clarify for both you and the reference writer which letter is being requested. The system will send an email to your reference writer with a unique link to accept your request. The reference writer will then be able to upload the reference letter to the NMS Match System as a PDF document. You do not have access to the contents of the letters.

You may request as many different reference letters as you wish. When you assemble your application for a specific program, you must designate at least one and no more than 5 specific letters to be included in the application to that program.

Tip: You should follow up with any reference writers who have not provided their letters in a timely manner.

  • Request New Reference Letter
    • Select the + Request New Reference Letter.
    • Complete all information required for the reference letter request.

      The letter Label should be a unique title that will clearly identify and distinguish this reference letter from other reference letters submitted on your behalf. The reference writer will be able to see this Label. You do not need to include the reference writer's name in the label; the writer's name will be displayed automatically when you choose which letters to include with an application.

      For example, if the reference writer is preparing a customized letter for each program, the Label for the request should identify the name of the program. This will enable the reference writer to upload the appropriate letter for the request.

      You must also enter a Personal Note, to provide any additional information you may wish to communicate about this request, such as the application due date or any other relevant information (even a simple "thank you"). The Personal Note will be included in the email sent to the reference writer for this request.

    • Confirm that you agree to the terms of the reference request by clicking on the checkboxes.
    • Press the Add button.
  • Tracking Your References

    Tip: You can submit your application before your reference writers upload their letters.

    Reference requests will have one of three statuses:

    • Requested: The Application Service has sent an email to the reference writer requesting a letter. Your personal note is included in the email sent to the reference writer. If one of your reference requests has been in the Requested status for a long time, you can click on the reference writer's name and resend the request email.
    • Accepted: The reference writer has accepted your request for a reference, but has not yet uploaded their reference letter into the NMS Match System. If the reference writer rejects your request, the request will be deleted from your list.
    • Received: The reference writer has uploaded their reference letter into the NMS Match System. If this reference letter has been included in any application that has already been submitted, you cannot delete the reference letter or remove it from the submitted application. However the reference writer does have the ability to replace the reference letter in an application with another either before or after an application has been submitted.

    References - Track Reference Requests

    It is the responsibility of the applicant to ensure that all references are uploaded to the NMS Match System in a timely manner. If you are concerned that a reference letter that was attached to a submitted application will not be received in time, you can replace the reference letter in that application with another.

  • Delete a Reference Request

    You can delete a reference request by clicking on the 'X' next to the reference writer's name. Once a reference letter that is attached to a submitted application has been received, it cannot be deleted.

Program Selection

The Program Selection page is where you select the programs where you want to apply.

  • Select a Program (Add a Pending Application)

    Select a program by pressing the Select button

    When you select a program, it is flagged as "Pending" on the Program Selection page and it is added to your list of Pending Applications on the Application Submission page (described below). Programs on your Pending Applications list are notified of your interest and have access to your contact information so they can reach out to you with information about their program, if they choose to do so. Programs on your Pending Applications list do not have access to your full application until it is submitted.

    Select a Program

    Selecting the button to Review Pending Applications takes you to the Application Submission page described below.

  • De-Select a Program (Remove a Pending Application)

    You can remove an application from your Pending Applications list by pressing the 'X' button beside the program on either the Program Selection page or the Application Submission page. When you remove a pending application, you are removed from the program's list of pending applicants, and the program will no longer have direct access to your contact information.

    De-Select a Program

Application Submission

The Application Submission page shows all the programs you have selected, separated into two sections - Pending Applications and Submitted Applications. The page also shows the credits you have available for submitting additional applications.

Programs in the Pending Applications list have access to your contact information, but they do not yet have access to your application information.

Applications must be submitted by 11:59 p.m. Eastern Time on January 17, 2025.

Once an application is submitted, all of your application information is available to the program immediately.

The core components of submitted applications cannot be changed or withdrawn. Corrections to other application information must be provided as an addition to Supplemental Material.

Tip: You can submit your application before your reference writers upload their letters. However, your application will not be marked as complete until the reference letters attached to the application have been uploaded to the NMS Match System by your reference writers. You can monitor the status of your reference letters in the Reference Letter Section. You should follow up with any reference writers who have not provided their letters in a timely manner.

  • Pending Applications

    You must Assemble and Submit a pending application in order to send it to a program.

    • Select the Assemble button in the Pending Applications section.

      Pending Applications

    • Select the Personal Statement, CV, and any other document upload or supplemental material you want to attach to the application to this program.
    • Select between one and 5 reference letters to attach to the application. The reference letters must be from different reference writers.
    • Select the tracks at the program that you are interested in. Most programs offer only one track but some may offer more than one. For programs with multiple tracks, you can indicate you are interested in all or only selected tracks at the program. Note that an application credit allows you to send one application to one program, regardless of the number of tracks you are interested in at that program.
    • Select the Submit This Application button to submit the application.

      Once you submit an application, the core components of the application cannot be changed or withdrawn. Be sure your application information, documents, and selected reference letters are correct before submitting the application. Any corrections to a submitted application must be provided as Supplemental Material.

  • Submitted Applications

    The list of Submitted Applications shows the programs where you have applied. Your application will have one of two statuses:

    • Reference Not Received: The application has been submitted, but at least one of your reference letters has not yet been received.
    • Complete: All reference letters attached to the application have been received. The program has a complete copy of your application materials.
    • Submit Applications

    Select the View button to view the application content that was submitted to the program.

  • Credits

    Your Breast Match registration allows you to send up to 15 applications to programs. If you want to send more applications, you must buy more application credits at a cost of $30 USD per application.

    To purchase more application credits:

    • Select the Buy button
      Credit Overview
    • Select how many credits you want to buy, and press the Submit button
    • Enter Credit Card information, and press the Submit button
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