
Results & Post-Match

Match Day

  • Why do I need to wait get the Match results?

    NMS spends time between the Rank Order List deadline and Match Day checking and re-checking the data to ensure the accuracy and integrity of the Match results. Before we process the Match, we look for potential errors or mistakes in the rankings submitted by applicants and programs, such as applicants who may have ranked the wrong program or training sites that may have ranked the wrong applicant. We are able to catch some (but not all) errors, and it does take a significant amount of time to reach the Match participants to follow-up, verify, and correct these mistakes. Training Directors and applicants are generally busy and can be very difficult to reach. We then have to run the matching algorithm, verify the results and prepare the results for distribution via the various channels. While it may seem like it takes a long time to get your result, we are able to deliver the results in a time frame that is equal to or less than that of other matching programs of comparable (or even smaller) size in other professions.

  • I will be unavailable to receive emails the day results are released.

    If you will be unable to receive email or access your training site's Match results online on Match Day, you can provide a written and signed request to NMS on training site letterhead, prior to Match Day, to send the email of the results to an alternate contact.

    The alternate email will not replace the email currently on file in the NMS Match System. All account and training site contact information will remain the same, but the alternate contact will receive an email with the Match results on Match Day.

  • Can I get a copy of my Rank Order List?

    You are able to view and print a program's Rank Order List in the NMS Match System for 3 days after the Match Day for each Phase of the Match. You are strongly encouraged to print a copy of your Rank Order List(s) for your training site's records before the information is removed from the NMS Match System.


  • What happens if I have a program that does not fill all of its positions in the Match?

    Phase I

    If your training site has one or more unfilled positions after Phase I of the Match, you must offer those positions to applicants in Phase II of the Match. Programs with unfilled positions after Phase I of the Match will be included automatically on the List of Participating Internships for Phase II of the Match. Additional positions that become available after Phase I, such as newly funded positions, must also be offered in Phase II of the Match.

    Phase II

    No list of programs with unfilled positions will be provided on this website following Phase II of the Match. You may wish to list any unfilled positions using APPIC's Post-Match Vacancy Service. Programs with positions available after Phase II are not carried over automatically to the Post-Match Vacancy Service. Instructions for using the APPIC Post-Match Vacancy Service are provided on the APPIC website.

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