

Match Results Day

  • I will be unavailable to receive emails the day results are released.

    If you will be unable to receive email or access your school's ORMatch results online on the Match Results Day, you can provide a written and signed request to NMS on school letterhead to send an email of the results to an alternate contact.

    The alternate email will not replace the email currently on file in the NMS Match System. All account and school contact information will remain the same.

    The alternate contact will receive an email with the ORMatch results. NMS will send the results to only one email address for each school.

Post-Match Process

  • How does the Post-Match Process work?

    A list of Programs with Available Positions will be available to unmatched applicants in the NMS Match System starting March 5, 2024 at 12:00 p.m. noon Eastern Time. The list of Available Positions will be posted publicly on the ORMatch website starting March 12, 2024.

    Programs are able to obtain applications from applicants in any manner they desire, including directly from applicants. Applicants who registered for ORMatch but did not obtain a position can use the NMS Match System to send applications online to programs. Individuals who did not register for ORMatch prior to the Rank Order List deadline but are seeking positions must send applications to programs directly. If you have questions about a program's application procedures during the Post-Match Process, contact the program directly.

    Prior to 12:00 p.m. noon Eastern Time on March 7, 2024, Programs may not make offers for Post-Match positions to applicants, and applicants may not accept offers from programs. Programs and applicants are free to contact each other, share information, and conduct interviews.

    Starting at 12:00 p.m. noon Eastern Time on March 7, 2024, programs may offer Post-Match positions to applicants, and applicants may accept offers from programs. Applicants who receive an offer for a Post-Match position may hold the offer for up to 24 hours, after which the program can rescind the offer.

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