Recent News
October 1, 2023
NMS Launches a New Application Service and Matching Program for Chiropractic Residencies
The Association of Chiropractic Colleges and NMS have colloborated to implement the Chiro Match, an application service and Matching Program to place applicants into chiropractic residency training programs.
August 15, 2023
NMS Interview Now Available to All Psychology Internships
APPIC and NMS are pleased to announce that NMS Interview, the automated, real-time scheduling service module of the NMS Match System, will be available to all psychology internship sites and applicants for the upcoming recruitment cycle. This innovative solution streamlines the selection process for applicants and training directors. APPIC piloted NMS Interview last cycle with selected internship sites and received extremely positive feedback from training directors and applicants alike.
July 16, 2023
NMS Interview Now Available to All Psychology Internships
APPIC and NMS are pleased to announce that NMS Interview, the automated, real-time scheduling service module of the NMS Match System, will be available to all psychology internship sites and applicants for the upcoming recruitment cycle. This innovative solution streamlines the selection process for applicants and training directors. APPIC piloted NMS Interview last cycle with selected internship sites and received extremely positive feedback from training directors and applicants alike.
March 31, 2023
NMS's Two-Phase Match Places 99% of Podiatry Applicants into Residency
The American Association of Colleges of Podiatric Medicine (AACPM) and NMS collaborated to implement a two-phase Match to place applicants into podiatry residency positions. The second Phase of the Match (MPII) replaced a chaotic and stressful offer-and-acceptance process which did not consider the placement preferences of applicants. The implementation of MPII was a resounding success, with more than 99% of participating applicants obtaining a position and more than 95% of available positions being filled. Match results of both the first phase Match and MPII were celebrated at colleges of podiatry across the US on Match Day, March 17, 2023.
Read more about the two-phase Match.
December 31, 2022
NMS Sees Growth in Postgraduate Training Positions
A record number of postgraduate positions are being offered to applicants for training beginning in 2023. The growth is broad based with increases occurring in many professions, including pharmacy, dentistry, optometry, genetic counseling, and medical physics.
May 18, 2022
NMS Launches the 2023 CASPR with AACPM
The American Association of Colleges of Podiatric Medicine (AACPM) and NMS are proud to launch the 2023 Central Application Service for Podiatric Residencies (CASPR) with a new set of tools and features for applicants, programs, and colleges. CASPR is an Application Service and Matching Program that provides an orderly process to help applicants obtain podiatric residency positions of their choice, and to help programs obtain applicants of their choice. The redeveloped CASPR service includes a new dedicated website for information about the process, a mobile-friendly online platform, customizable applications, confidential reference letter submissions, real-time interview scheduling, and two-phase matching.
Read more about the 2023 CASPR.
January 6, 2022
NMS Adds Subuser Accounts to Power Efficient Program Management
Programs now have the ability to create multiple subuser accounts for different enterprise personnel involved in the recruitment process. This feature helps programs delegate and share responsibility while maintaining security and accountability.
April 15, 2021
NMS Adds Real-Time Interview Scheduling to its Online Platform
NMS has developed NMS Interview, a new tool that allows programs to setup their interview schedule online, send invitations to candidates, and allows candidates to instantly self-schedule themselves into available timeslots. NMS Interview will be rolled out to multiple clients this year and promises to provide a simple, automated, real-time, solution to interview scheduling.
Read more about NMS Interview.
December 1, 2021
AACPM Partners with NMS for the Redevelopment of CASPR
The American Association of Colleges of Podiatric Medicine (AACPM) has partnered with NMS to update and implement CASPR, an application and matching service to place applicants into podiatric residency positions. Through the partnership, AACPM will leverage NMS's online platform to modernize and enhance the residency selection process for applicants, programs, podiatric schools and colleges, and AACPM staff.
October 1, 2021
NMS Adds Direct Offer and Acceptance to its Online Platform
NMS has added a new tool to its platform that allows programs to make direct offers of admission, and allows applicants to accept those offers online. Direct Offer and Acceptance gives professions a tool to organize and coordinate either a Pre-Match or Post-Match process to place applicants into positions.
July 1, 2021
NMS Sees Growth in Registered Applicants Across All Professions
A record number of applicants registered to participate in NMS Matching Programs delivered in 2021. While the number of programs and positions were relatively stable in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic, there was double-digit growth in the number of registered applicants in many professions, including pharmacy, dentistry, optometry, genetic counseling, and medical physics.
May 7, 2021
NMS Develops Competitiveness Reports for Programs
NMS applied advanced analytics and modeling to create competitiveness reports for programs. The reports provide programs with insights into their desirability, the quality of their applicant pool, and the effectiveness of their evaluations. The reports are customized for each program and provide comparisons to a peer group and the overall market.
October 1, 2020
NEW INC Partners with NMS to Streamline its Mentorship Process
NEW INC, an incubator for people working at the intersection of art, design, and technology, has partnered with NMS to streamline its process of assigning members to mentors. Through this partnership, NEW INC will leverage NMS's matching engine which is backed by Nobel-Prize winning research in Market Design
September 1, 2020
NMS Presents at the 32nd Annual Meeting on Special Care Dentistry
NMS was invited by the Special Care Dentistry Association (SCDA) to make a virtual presentation at the 32nd Annual Meeting on Special Care Dentistry. The presentation provided an overview of the benefits of the Dental Match and shared data and insights from the participation of general practice residency and advanced education in general dentistry programs in the Dental Match.
May 14, 2020
The Society of Surgical Oncology Partners with NMS for the SSO Breast Match
NMS is working with the Society of Surgical Oncology (SSO) to implement the SSO Breast Match, an application and matching service to place applicants into breast surgical oncology fellowship positions. Through the partnership, the annual fellowship recruitment process will be simplified and streamlined for program directors, applicants, and SSO staff. The inaugural SSO Breast Match will place applicants into positions that start training in 2022.
July 1, 2019
ISEP Partners with NMS to Optimize Student Exchange
The International Student Exchange Program (ISEP) is one of the largest study abroad membership networks in the world. Through this partnership, ISEP will optimize its student exchange placement process using matching technology developed by NMS and backed by Nobel-Prize winning research in Market Design.
Read more about ISEP Student Exchange.
May 7, 2019
NMS Invited to Present at MATCH-UP 2019
NMS has been invited to present at MATCH-UP 2019, the 5th International Workshop on Matching Under Preferences in Ascona, Switzerland, May 26-29, 2019. This workshop brings together leading researchers and practitioners from around the world to discuss matching algorithms, mechanism design, and market dynamics.
April 26, 2019
Genetic Counseling Admissions Match Fills 99.5% of Available Positions
We are pleased to report that 464 applicants were admitted into masters-level Genetic Counseling programs in the US and Canada using the GC Admissions Match. Accommodating complex financial aid and class diversity requirements into the ranking and matching process has created a fair, efficient, and transparent recruitment process for all stakeholders.
Read more about the GC Admissions Match.
March 25, 2019
APPIC Match Successfully Places 95% of Psychology Doctoral Students into Internships
We are pleased to report that 3563 participating psychology doctoral students were successfully matched to internship positions through Phase I and Phase II of the 2019 APPIC Match. NMS's implementation of the APPIC Match across two-phases has provided a fair, effective, and efficient process to transition students from their academic training into internship.
January 20, 2019
NMS Adds Diversity and Cohort Recruitment Options to its Online Matching Platform
NMS has added new tools to its online matching platform to allow programs to recruit a particular mix or distribution of applicants based on different characteristics. These tools help programs achieve diversity objectives and optimize the characteristics of their incoming cohort.
October 28, 2018
NMS Presents at 104th AAP Annual Meeting
NMS presented at the 104th Annual Meeting of the American Academy of Periodontology (AAP) in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. The presentation provided an overview of the benefits of the Dental Match and shared data and insights from the participation of periodontic postdoctoral education programs in the 2018 Dental Match.
July 18, 2018
NMS Develops an Online Interactive Demonstration of the Roth-Peranson Matching Algorithm
NMS has released an online tool to allow Match participants to simulate the processing of the Match under different scenarios. The online demonstration enables users to specify applicant and program rankings and view a step-by-step processing of how the Roth-Peranson Matching Algorithm reaches its result.
Go to the Interactive Demonstration.
April 27, 2018
Inaugural Genetic Counseling Admissions Match A Resounding Success
NMS and the Association of Genetic Counseling Program Directors (AGCPD) implemented the inaugural GC Admissions Match to admit applicants into masters-level genetic counseling programs in the United States and Canada. The Match was a resounding success filling 99.5% of available positions. The Match process was efficient, transparent, and well received by participating applicants and programs.
April 12, 2018
NMS's Two-Phase Match Fills 99% of Pharmacy Residency Positions
NMS's two-phase Match used to place applicants into pharmacy residency positions successfully filled 4393 of 4452 positions available for training in 2018. The two-phase Match offered by NMS continues to be the most fair, effective, and efficient process to clear competitive recruitment markets.
Read the press release from ASHP.
October 9, 2017
NMS Releases the 2017 Dental Recruiting Insight Report
As part of its research and data analysis offering, NMS developed a recruiting insight report to provide applicants and program directors interested in the Dental Match with key insights into the recruitment process. Through analysis of participant survey, application, and Match data, the report provides a statistical study of factors influencing applicants' decision making, their competitiveness for placement, and other useful information for anyone interested in obtaining a dental residency position.
Read the report on the Dental Match web site.
June 1, 2017
NMS Implements a Fully Online Registration Process for Programs
NMS has developed a fully online registration process providing its participating programs with a convenient online portal to sign up for a Match, provide details of their program offering and pay any fees for the Match. The online registration process has led to improved compliance and shorter response times. The online process will be rolled out over the next year to each of the matching programs administered by NMS.
May 1, 2017
NMS Launches the GC Admissions Match for Genetic Counseling
The Genetic Counseling Admissions Match (GC Admissions Match) has been established to place applicants into positions in masters-level genetic counseling programs in the United States and Canada. This partnership between NMS and the Association of Genetic Counseling Program Directors (AGCPD) is the first matching program in North America to manage the admissions process for entry into masters-level professional schools.
Read more about the GC Admissions Match.
March 17, 2017
NMS's Two-Phase Match Helps Manage Exponential Growth in Pharmacy Residencies
The two-phase Match for pharmacy residency positions developed by NMS in collaboration with ASHP continues to meet the needs of an exponentially growing recruitment market. The results of Phase I of the Match had record numbers of participating applicants, residencies and positions.
February 15, 2017
Periodontics Residencies Join the Dental Match
NMS has partnered with the American Academy of Periodontology (AAP) to have accredited periodontic residency programs join the Postdoctoral Dental Matching Program ("the Dental Match") starting with the Match for positions beginning in 2018.
December 20, 2016
NMS Partners with AGCPD to Develop a Match for Admissions into Genetic Counseling Programs
The Association of Genetic Counseling Program Directors (AGCPD) has partnered with NMS to design and administer the Genetic Counseling Admissions Match (GC Admissions Match). The GC Admissions Match will place applicants into masters-level genetic counseling programs in the US and Canada.
Learn more at
July 20, 2016
Prosthodontic Residencies Join the Dental Match
NMS has partnered with the American College of Prosthodontists (ACP) to have accredited prosthodontic residency programs join the Postdoctoral Dental Matching Program ("the Dental Match") starting with the Match for positions beginning in 2018.
April 26, 2016
Canadian General Practice Residency Programs Join the Dental Match
NMS has partnered with the Canadian Association of Hospital Dentists (CAHD) and the Special Care Dentistry Association (SCDA) to have Canadian General Practice Residency Programs join the 2017 Postdoctoral Dental Matching Program ("the Dental Match"). This will create a fairer and more efficient recruitment process for Canadian GPR positions and help unify the admissions process for Dental Residencies across North America.
Learn more at
April 8, 2016
NMS's Implementation of Two-Phase Match A Resounding Success
The two-phase Match implemented by NMS on behalf of ASHP successfully filled more than 99% of the available residency positions in 2016. NMS's two-phase Match process has become a tool of choice for organizations and associations looking to effectively and fairly manage large competitive recruitment markets.
We are extremely pleased with the results of the Match this year, as it shows that our residency program capacity is clearly growing. Our new Second Match also helped ensure an orderly process to help individuals link up with open residency positions.Janet Silvester, Pharm.D., M.strong.A., FASHP, Vice President, ASHP Accreditation Services Office.
March 13, 2016
NMS Presents at ADEA Annual Session
NMS provided a seminar session for dental students, residency program directors and school representatives the Postdoctoral Dental Matching Program. The presentation provided an overview of the benefits of the Match and outlined how students and programs participate.
December 15, 2015
NMS Conducts Matching Pilot with Royal Bank of Canada
NMS collaborated with Royal Bank of Canada (RBC) to implement a pilot matching program to place leadership candidates into enterprise-wide rotational programs. RBC, one of Canada's largest employers, initiated the pilot to enhance the efficiency and transparency of the assignment process for rotational programs. NMS worked with RBC to design the program, integrate it into existing workflows, and execute the match.
Partnering with NMS was a great experience from offering customized matching to improved efficiency and transparency along the process. I am extremely pleased with their professionalism and ability to apply their work to financial services and look forward to continued matching efforts in futureLinda Bogoch, Program Director, Leadership, Royal Bank of Canada
August 10, 2015
NMS Implements a Two-Phase Match for Pharmacy Residencies
To meet the needs of the rapidly growing number of pharmacists and student pharmacists who are seeking residencies as well as residency programs that are seeking applicants, ASHP is collaborating with NMS to add a second NMS Match (Phase II) to the ASHP Resident Matching Program. The new Phase II Match will replace the current informal "Post-Match Scramble" and ensure that student pharmacists have another structured opportunity to connect with open positions.
May 15, 2015
NMS Presents at the 2015 Annual Session of the American Association of Orthodontists (AAO) in San Francisco
Jonah Peranson, Vice President of NMS, was invited by AAO to give a lecture at the Charles J. Burstone Educational Leadership Conference on participation and outcomes for orthodontic residency programs in the Postdoctoral Dental Matching Program.
March 1, 2015
NMS Launches a New Matching Program for Undergraduate Internships at The University of Texas at Austin
The University Leadership Network (ULN) program at the University of Texas at Austin has partnered with NMS to deliver a matching program to place scholarship students into internship positions.
Learn more at
October 1, 2014
NMS Launches a New Matching Program for Medical Physics Residencies
The American Association of Physicists in Medicine and the Society of Directors of Academic Medical Physics Programs engaged NMS to design and administer the MedPhys Match - a matching program that places graduate students and postgraduate trainees into medical physics residency programs.
Learn more at
June 25, 2014
NMS Presents at the 25th Jerusalem School in Economic Theory Matching and Market
Elliott Peranson, President of NMS, was invited by Al Roth (Stanford) and Scott Duke Kominers (Harvard) to give a lecture at the 25th Jerusalem School in Economic Theory Matching and Market on Issues in Real-World Matching Market Design.
May 6, 2014
NMS Develops Recruiting Insight Reports
Using a combination of online participant surveys and Match data, NMS has developed two companion analytical reports to provide applicants and program directors interested in the Dental Match with key insights into the recruitment process. The reports have information on factors influencing applicants' and programs' decision making, comparisons of outcomes for different applicant and program types, and other useful information for anyone interested in participating in the Match.
Read the reports on the Dental Match web site.
May 1, 2014
NMS Launches Optometry Resident Directory on behalf of ASCO
The Optometry Resident Directory provides a centralized online source of information on optometry residents. This new service is sponsored by the Association of Schools and Colleges of Optometry and Alcon and is administered by NMS.
Learn more at
April 4, 2014
NMS Presents on Outcomes and Trends at Annual AACOM Educators Meeting
NMS President, Elliott Peranson, presented on trends affecting applicants and programs in the AOA Match. The presentation included a comprehensive analysis on supply and demand of internships and residencies as well as a comparison of participation and outcomes for osteopathic students in the allopathic medicine Match.
See the full presentation here.
February 22, 2014
NMS Presents at ADEA Virtual Fair
NMS provided a virtual session for prospective dental residents on the Postdoctoral Dental Matching Program. The presentation provided an overview of the benefits of the Match and the process for students to participate.
January 1, 2014
NMS's Video on the Match Algorithm Builds Audience
In November 2013, NMS created an online video to help explain how the Nobel-prize recognized algorithm that sits at the core of its matching services works to place applicants into positions. The video has quickly gained traction and is amongst the top ten results for views and relevance on YouTube when searching for "Match Algorithm".