MP-RAP & Applications
How do I apply to programs?
You should check with each program directly about how to submit an application. Most programs use the MP-RAP application service to collect applications.
MP-RAP is a separate and distinct service from the MedPhys Match, run by a different organization.
Related Links:
Do I send applications to programs through the MedPhys Match?
No. Applications are not submitted to programs through the MedPhys Match. Contact each program you are interested into find out how to send an application to the program.
Related Links:
Apply to Non-Match Programs
What should I do if I have an offer from a program that is not participating in the MedPhys Match?
You must decide prior to the Rank Order List deadline whether you want to accept the position from the non-Match program, or participate in the MedPhys Match.
If you accept the position from a non-Match program, you must withdraw from the MedPhys Match prior to the Rank Order List deadline. If you participate in the MedPhys Match and are matched to a position, you must accept the matched position. If you refuse to accept the MedPhys Match result, your actions may be reported to the AAPM and penalties may be imposed as outlined in the Applicant Agreement.