Rules of Participation

The 2025 Genetic Counseling Admissions Match

Rules of Participation

The 2025 Genetic Counseling Admissions Match

Match Agreements

Each participating applicant and program accepts the terms of the Match Agreements when they register to participate in the Match.

Applicant Agreement Program Agreement

Rules of Participation

All programs and applicants that register to participate in the Genetic Counseling Admissions Match (the "Match") must agree to abide by the Rules of Participation as summarized below.

  • All programs and applicants that register to participate in the Match must abide by the Schedule of Dates of the Match, and the terms of the Agreements they accepted when they registered for the Match.
  • Each participating program must be a Full Member or Associate Member of GCEA in good standing and be accredited by ACGC by March 15, 2025 in order to participate in the Match. Programs that are not accredited by March 15, 2025, or are accredited with any contingency that prevents the program from accepting a new class of students, will not be able to participate in the Match.
  • Participating programs must offer all their positions that start between May 1, 2025 and January 31, 2026 through the Match.
  • Programs must provide complete and accurate information to applicants prior to the Rank Order List deadline concerning the position(s) being offered in the Match, including all institution and program policies and eligibility requirements related to admission, and the full details and specifics of any financial aid or employment opportunities that would be granted to an applicant upon admission. Applicants may ask for this information from programs in writing. Applicants must provide complete and accurate information to programs.
  • Programs participating in the Match will consider applications prior to the release of the Match results only from those applicants who are registered to participate in the Match.
  • Programs and applicants may express a high level of interest in each other. A program may voluntarily inform an applicant as to whether or not it intends to rank the applicant, and an applicant may voluntarily inform a program as to whether or not the applicant intends to rank the program. However, neither party (program or applicant) may solicit such information from the other party, and neither party may solicit or disclose to the other party any information regarding the positioning of any applicant or program on a Rank Order List. The Rank Order Lists submitted by each program and applicant are the sole determinants of their respective order of preferences for the Match.
  • Programs may not make an offer of appointment to, or require a commitment from, any applicant prior to the release of the Match results. Programs may rank on their Rank Order Lists only those applicants registered in the Match.
  • Similarly, applicants may not make a commitment to any participating program prior to the release of the Match results. Applicants may rank on their Rank Order Lists only those programs participating in the Match.
  • If a registered program or applicant chooses not to participate in the Match for any reason, then they must submit a withdrawal from the Match, and not submit a Rank Order List for the Match.
  • The Match results constitute a binding commitment from which neither the applicant nor the program can withdraw without mutual written consent. A program must offer admission to each applicant with whom it is matched, and the applicant must accept the offer and attend the program, unless both parties agree in writing to release each other from the Match result. A program may not offer a position to any applicant who was matched elsewhere unless approved for release from that program in accordance with GCEA Admissions Match policies.
  • Programs must notify GCEA of any changes to the program's matched list received on Match Results Day.
  • Programs must send letters of confirmation of the Match result to matched applicants within 10 working days of the release of the Match results. Applicants must return the letters in accordance with the program's instructions within 17 working days of the release of the Match results, not later than May 9, 2025.
  • Violations of the policies of the Match agreements will be reported to the Genetic Counselor Educators Association (GCEA). GCEA may investigate alleged violations and impose penalties on violators, including barring the violator from participating in future Matches.
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