Results & Post-Match
Match Results Days
How do I get my Match result?
Match results will be available in the NMS Match System starting at 12:00 p.m. noon Eastern Time on the Match Results Day. You will also be sent an email with your Match result before 12:00 p.m. noon Eastern Time on the Match Results Day. However, due to unreliable email exchanges and inbound servers, we cannot guarantee an email delivery time.
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Why do I have to wait to get my Match result?
NMS spends the time between the Rank Order List deadline and the Match Results Day checking and re-checking the data to ensure the accuracy and integrity of the Match results. Before we can process the Match, we look for potential errors or mistakes in the rankings submitted by applicants and programs, such as applicants who may have ranked the wrong track or programs that may have ranked the wrong applicant. We are able to catch some (but not all) errors, and it does take a significant amount of time to reach the Match participants to follow-up, verify, and correct these mistakes. Program Directors and applicants are generally busy and can be very difficult to reach. We then have to run the matching algorithm, verify the results, and prepare the results for distribution via the various channels. While it may seem like it takes a long time to get your result, we are able to deliver the results in a time frame that is equal to or less than that of other matching programs of comparable (or even smaller) size in other professions.
Matched Applicants
Why do I have to wait until 12:00 p.m. noon Eastern Time before I can contact my program?
We make every effort to send applicants and programs their results by email before 12:00 p.m. noon Eastern Time. However, due to unreliable email exchanges and inbound message handling, we cannot guarantee the time of delivery.
We ask that applicants and programs wait before contacting each other to ensure that participants have an opportunity to obtain their results online through the NMS Match System if they did not receive the email.
What should I do if I haven't received a letter of confirmation from my matched program?
Your program must send you a letter of confirmation of the Match result within 10 days of the release of the Match results. Applicants must sign and return the letters of confirmation within 17 days of the release of the Match results.
If you did not receive the letter within 10 days of the release of the Match results, you should contact the Program Director directly.
What if I refuse to take my matched position?
The Match result constitutes a binding commitment from which neither the applicant nor the program can withdraw.
Applicants who do not accept appointment to the position to which they matched will be in violation of the Applicant Agreement they signed when they registered for the GC Admissions Match.
Violations of the Agreement will be reported to GCEA. GCEA may investigate alleged violations and impose penalties on violators, including barring the violator from participating in future Matches.
Related Links:
Unmatched Applicants
I didn't match. What do I do now?
If you did not match, you may seek an available position in the Post-Match Process.
Beginning at 12:00 p.m. noon Eastern Time on April 16, 2025, a list of programs with positions available will be provided in the NMS Match System. Some programs may choose to be excluded from the list, and programs are able to update information on the list at any time. You are free to contact programs, seek positions, and accept offers directly from programs independently of the Match. NMS is not involved in the filling of positions during the Post-Match Process.
Related Links:
Post-Match Process
What is the Post-Match Process?
The Post-Match Process (sometimes referred to as the Unmatched Applicant Program) is the period from April 16, 2025 to May 31, 2025 when programs with unfilled positions will try to fill those positions with applicants who did not match. No action to fill positions available in the Post-Match Process is to be taken prior to 12:00 p.m. noon Eastern Time on April 16, 2025.
Related Links:
How does the Post-Match Process work?
Beginning at 12:00 p.m. noon Eastern Time on April 16, 2025, programs with available positions are permitted to fill those positions, independently of the Match, with applicants who did not obtain a position in the Match. NMS is not involved in the filling of positions during the Post-Match Process.
Applicants will have access to a list of programs with available positions. Programs will have access to information on unmatched applicants.
Applicants who are offered a position in the Post-Match Process are not required to notify NMS.
Related Links:
Who can access the List of Available Positions for the Post-Match Process?
Registered applicants who did not obtain a position in the Match have access to the list in the NMS Match System starting at 12:00 p.m. noon Eastern Time on April 16, 2025.
Matched applicants do not have access to this information.
When and how do I submit applications in the Post-Match Process?
You should contact the programs directly for application instructions. The Match is not involved in the filing of positions during the Post-Match Process.
How do I get more information about the programs in the Post-Match Process?
Beginning at 12:00 p.m. noon Eastern Time on April 16, 2025, a List of Programs with Available Positions will be posted for unmatched applicants. Contact the programs directly to obtain more information about the available positions.