Import Rankings From Your Applications

2025 CASPR

About Importing Rankings From Your Applications

You can import the applicants who submitted applications to your track(s) into your Rank Order List.

If you have assigned a Review Status to your applications, you can filter which applicants will be imported by the Review Status (e.g., select only those whose status is "Will be Ranked"). If you have rated your applications, the applicants will be imported in order of their Rating (highest to lowest).

Once imported, you can still edit your list to add any acceptable applicants, remove any unacceptable applicants, or reorder applicants. Ensure the applicants on your Rank Order List are ranked in order of your true preference.

When your rankings are finalized, you must certify the list for it to be used in the Match.


  1. Log in to the NMS Match System
  2. Select Rankings from the menu
  3. Select the link to import applicants from Your Applications near the top of the page. This link is only shown if no applicants are on your Rank Order List.
    import ranks from applications >

  4. Filter the applicants who will be imported into the Rank Order List

    • Filter by Review Status

      If you have assigned a Review Status to your applications, you can filter which applicants will be imported by the Review Status. Typically, Program Directors will import applicants who they have marked as "Interviewed" or "Will be Ranked". If you have not assigned a Review Status to each application, select the Review Status of "All".

      review status filter

    • Filter by Track(s) To Which Application was Submitted

      If your program offers more than one track, you can filter which applicants are imported into the Rank Order List based on the track to which they applied. Typically, Program Directors will import the applicants who applied for the specific track for which they are importing rankings. However, you may want to include applicants to other tracks under certain circumstances, for example: (i) the program changed the tracks being offered in CASPR after applications were received; (ii) the program advised applicants to one track that they might be interested in the other track being offered; or, (iii) after interviewing at the program, applicants to one track indicated they may be interested in another track at the program that they had not considered when they applied.

      import ranks from applications

After the import, you may add additional acceptable applicants to your list, remove any unacceptable applicants, and reorder applicants using the web interface.

You must certify the Rank Order List for it to be used in the Match.

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